You’re in Seville, historically and culturally rich. It would be a shame to move on without absorbing some of the fascinating legacy that has made the city such a popular destination for travellers. Soak up some culture at any of the city’s abundant museums and monuments.
Museu de Belas Artes
Some say that this is the 2nd finest art museum in Spain, after the Prado in Madrid. Make up your mind for yourself in Plaza del Museo 9, next to Alfonso XII. And check out the art market next to the Fine Arts Museum on Sunday mornings.
Museu de Dança Flamenco
A great museum to explore before seeing a flamenco show. Exhibits cover several rooms and include audio-visual and multi-media displays explaining the history, culture and soul of traditional Flamenco.
Igreja de El Salvador
During the five years that this church was closed, they discovered the ruins of the original main mosque of Seville as well as several well-preserved tombs from the Christian era.
Arquivo das Índias
The Archive of the Indies has been the main archive of Spain’s American empire since 1785. Its 8km of shelves hold 80 million pages of documents dating from 1492 through to the end of the empire in the 19th century.
Museu Arqueológico
At the end of Parque Maria Luisa you will find a smart collection of tartessos culture and a fine collection of Iberian animal sculptures and beautiful Roman mosaics.