SECURE BOOKING • 24 HOUR CANCELLATION POLICY • BEST PRICES ONLINE Jetzt buchenOasis Backpackers Hostels are good for you
Granada, Toledo & Sintra
Seit 2003 sind die Oasis Backpackers Hostels die besten Herberge, wenn Ihr in einer unserer 6 Städte übernachtet. Ihr seit genau an dem richtigen Platz, an dem was los ist.
Was bedeutet das, fragst Du Dich? Großartige Frage! Wir haben nicht nur Hostels, um Deinen Kopf zu entspannen, sondern sind so ein Ort, den Sie nicht verlassen möchten.
Oasis bietet die besten Unterkünfte in Spanien und Portugal
Mit trendigen Cocktails, einem vom Küchenchef gestalteten Menü, Dachterrassen, Pools, Yoga, Food-Touren, Bar-Crawls, Open-Mic-Nächten, Sprachaustausch, Stadtführungen... um nur einige zu nennen. Aber eines ist sicher.
Im Oasis sind wir...
mehr als nur ein simples Bett
Worum es uns geht...
Wenn Ihr bei uns buchen, bucht Ihr ein Erlebnis. Unsere Mitarbeiter sind hier, um Euch zu helfen, und das für Euch zu finden, was auch immer es sein mag. Sei also nicht schüchtern, wir beißen nicht.
Du magst gerne in Wellness? Wir haben veganes Essen und Yoga. Eher ein Partytier? Wie klingen Cocktails und Pup-Crawls? Reisen ist, was auch immer DU daraus machst... Und wir wissen das, und sind für Dich da.
In unseren Hostels gibt es immer etwas zu tun. Aber es gibt auch Zeit zum Entspannen, Yoga auf unser Dachterrasse machen, oder halt eben etwas Arbeiten, auch dafür Platz haben wir den richtigen Platz.
... Oh und dank all unserer Veranstaltungen und Aktivitäten, haben unsere Hostels eine große Balance von Einheimischen und Reisenden. Eines ist sicher, wenn Du hier bist, wirst Du nicht wieder gehen wollen.
Wir tun unser Bestes, um Dir eine komplette Sicht auf die Stadt zu geben, in die Du reist. Sei es bei Events oder Tapas-Touren durch die Bars der Stadt, all das findest Du in unseren Hostels in Spanien. Wir lieben unsere Städte und werden unser Bestes tun, um Dir zu zeigen, worum es geht.
Das Oasis Backpackers' Hostels Team
Schau Dir unsere neuesten Beiträge an
Pubcrawl Lisbon
Join the fun with our pubcrawls on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday night. We leave the hostel at 23:30 to the first bar for a beer or sangria, then heading off to the next place for some free shots. Finally we move to a club around 2am to dance the night away.
Lesen Sie mehrBike tours
GROUP BIKE TOUR The best way to see everything in a few hours! Enjoy this city with a relaxing guided trip on wheels, join our Group Bike Tour! Sevilla is the 4th best city inthe world for cycling, did you [...]
Lesen Sie mehrCathedral and Alcazar
ALCAZAR & CATHEDRAL We offer you a guided visit into Alcazar Royal Palace, the Cathedral of Seville and the Giralda. Our expert guides ‘City Lovers’ will give you the best service telling you many [...]
Lesen Sie mehrTravel to Spain as a Female Solo Traveller
Why Spain is great for Female Solo Travel Solo travel is increasing in popularity as a choice for backpackers, accounting for 61% of those hitting the road, and according to experts Hostelworld, female travellers now make up 59% of those going it alone. Here’s why those ladies looking for solo adventure should pick up their […]
Every Saturday 11:00pm A different experience of the nightlife in Granada. For only 10E per person you get unlimited Sangria and shots for 45min in our bar , FREE SHOTS in 3 different bars + entry to an [...]
Lesen Sie mehrBeach Trip
Beach Trip: Time 13hs Duration 6 hours, 13€ Join us for a day out to our traditional local beach with lots of games, sun, waves and a vegan/ meat barbeque. During this beach trip, our guide that will show [...]
Lesen Sie mehrEnjoy what is possibly the best paella in Granada
OASIS BACKPACKERS HOSTELS that’s for people full of passion for traveling, discovering new cultures and people who love food and new flavours. We are doing our best to make our guests feel like home but [...]
Lesen Sie mehrWaterfall Hike in Sierra Nevada
Los Cahorros ~ Waterfall Hike in Sierra Nevada Granada has the chance to be surrounded by the most beautiful Natural Park of Andalucia: the Sierra Nevada. From the hostel itself, just look around, and you [...]
Lesen Sie mehrPaella Night
Paella-night Dive in the pool, whatch the sunset and try our home made paella every saturday at 9pm in our amazing rooftop terrace. It won’t get any better than that! [...]
Lesen Sie mehr15 Lustige Aktivitäten während der Quarantäne
As quarantine continues, there’s a high chance that some of you are starting to run out of ideas to keep yourselves sane… We hear you. This is why we have brought upon ourselves to create this list of 15 fun activities you can do during this time. We guess you have heard the saying “When […]
Lesen Sie mehrMost common myths about staying in hostels
Nowadays, almost everybody knows what a hostel is and have heard how this kind of places are a favorite for backpackers. Even though the quality of hostels has improved throughout the years and are getting better and better every day, there are still some myths around that have become kind of urban legends. In this […]
Lesen Sie mehrFree Málaga Walking Tour
The best way to visit Malaga is to attend our free walking tour The meeting point is the reception of our hostel, where there will always be our charming local guy ready to walk you almost 2 hours around [...]
Lesen Sie mehrWhat top activities to explore this summer around Spain & Portugal
Activities with Oasis Backpackers Hostels Looking for more from your vacation than just happy hours and hangovers? We can offer you that too, but Oasis Backpackers Hostels pack more of a punch when it comes to filling your days and nights with action-packed activities. Whether you want to explore the local nightspots, swim in waterfalls, […]
Lesen Sie mehrMalaga Tapas Tour
Tapas Tour 20hs , duration 2hs, 11€ Join our tapas tour for a great night out discovering two of Malaga typical tapas places. Included are 2 drinks + 6 tapas and lots of fun discovering Malaga at night. [...]
Lesen Sie mehrHow to travel safely during the Coronavirus
By this time, 2020’s least favourite supervillain has outlived our expectations beyond our wildest imaginations. We are arriving at 8 months of lockdown, quarantining and a cancelled summer. For most people we have had to find ways of best going back to our lives safely and effectively, working from home, zoom meeting and a shit […]
Lesen Sie mehrDinners at Oasis Lisbon
Nightly feasts of culinary genious Let our local chefs show what’s the best going on in the food scene in Lisbon with our 3 course menu dinner, once voted as one of the top 20 food deals in hostels in [...]
Lesen Sie mehrBike Tour
Bike Tour: Time 16.30 Duration 2 hours, 12€ With this tour you will discover the lesser-known areas of the Malaga away from the hustle and bustle of the city. From the center we follow the seafront and [...]
Lesen Sie mehrChorro Hiking Tour
Chorro Hiking Trio, 9hs at reception Duration: all day, 15€ A full day emerged in the beauty of Malaga’s surrounding natural parque- el Chorro. We will take the train for approx. 45 min and step out [...]
Lesen Sie mehrAll you can eat BBQ
Meat in your mouth Join us out on the Patio for the best damn barbecue in Lisbon! “All you can eat” buffet of Bifanas(white wine pork sandwiches), burgers, piri-piri chicken, sausages, 3 fresh [...]
Lesen Sie mehrBeer Volleyball Championship
Come down next to the river and join us for an afternoon of sun at one of Lisbons best green spots for a game of Volleyball! A little competetion never hurt nobody, especially when it involves sun, beers [...]
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